Designing the Nightscape in Saskatoon Canada
Light affects our minds and bodies in a myriad of ways. It affects the places we live in. Light helps bring people together, highlight the City’s culture and landmarks and gives the City itself a visual identity, shaping the nightscape.
However, too much light has its own evils. We need to be aware of how it alters our body clocks and how the glow of cities can affect entire ecosystems.
Join us for a presentation of the potential and risks of light. The presentation will highlight a variety of projects taking the well-being of animals and humans into account as well as considering the notion of safety with increased light.
There are roughly 8760 hours in a year and 4700 of them are dark. See the potential and embrace it!
APRIL 4TH, 2018 | 6:30 pm ROXY THEATRE